Wednesday, December 10, 2008

If you read Coding Horror or Joel On Software, you already know about In a nutshell, it's a place where you can ask coding questions and receive answers quickly. You can also participate by voting answers up/down and answering questions. works really well, the overall design is very simple, clean, and easy to use.

The emacs community there is pretty small, but questions do come up now and then. In general the answers are fairly good (I think mine are stupendous, feel free to look at them and vote them up).

Like any good (modern) web page, this one has plenty of RSS feeds. This is the feed I use to watch questions tagged emacs elisp emacs-lisp dot-emacs.

1 comment:

ashawley said...

I didn't like it the first time when it was called Experts Exchange, or did I mean slashdot.

Good luck getting points.